
  • Katarzyna Joanna Chojnacka UJK w Kielcach, WPiNS Autor

Słowa kluczowe:

sustainable development, energy policy, decarbonization, environmental governance


Purpose – The article poses a research question: Is decarbonization an alternative or a necessity? In view of the current problems with coal supplies on the one hand, and the need to take care of the environment on the other, the question posed takes on a deeper meaning. Particularly when sustainable management of natural resources and broad energy policies appear in the background. Therefore, the research hypothesis is: “decarbonization, as one of the recently imposed trends, is indicated from the point of view of sustainable management of natural resources as part of the energy policy and and as a desirable solution in order to to take care of the environment and current problems with coal supplies”.

Research method – The article uses several research methods: literature studies, secondary
data analysis, analysis of figures in the economic aspect or elements of comparatism.

Results – The analysis shows that decarbonization is desirable (it is supported by economic and environmental considerations). Moreover, it is a necessity and follows from the adopted national energy strategy, which is influenced by the EU’s climate and energy policy, based on the pursuit of climate neutrality of the EU by 2050.

Originality / value / implications / recommendations – The presented point of view, supported by a preliminary analysis of available statistical data, can be considered as the author’s opinion leading to more in-depth analyses based on more and more recent data in the future. In view of the above, the article is a voice in the discussion on the role and importance of energy policy, in the context of the concept of sustainable development, with a particular focus on one of the components of the European Green Deal. The included
commentary on decarbonization, treated as one of the recently imposed trends, was intended to stimulate the reader’s thoughts and their own assessment of the changes taking place and the challenges that go along with them. The text was developed as part of the research project: SUPB.RN.21.109, Id: 538.


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