Awareness of polish consumers as the basis of development from the sharing economy in the context of own research



Słowa kluczowe:

sharing economy, public finance, personal finance


Purpose – The aim of the article is an attempt to assess the approach of market participants to the sharing economy in the context of own empirical research against the background of surveys of agencies and other research centres.
Research method – The implementation of the aim required the use of the direct method – questionnaires. The research results from 2016-2020 are presented.
Result – The obtained results of own research and the data taken from reports of other research centres do not give a clear answer to the question of how the sharing economy will develop in Poland. However, it seems that the growth will be inevitable. The only question is how dynamic the new economic model and the development of companies based on it will be.
Originality / value / implications / recommendations – The publication describes the essence of the sharing economy, and also changes in consumption trends, which are more and more frequently encountered also in Poland. Fragments of own survey research from 2016-2020 involving the issue were presented. In the future, it is necessary to continue research in the marked area.

Article received on 20 June 2021, accepted on 26 August 2021.


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